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  • Writer's pictureAnne-Catherine Leblanc

Stretch, speed lines or smear? How to fake motion-blur in animation

The weather was wonderful yesterday so I decided to do some reading outside instead of animating inside. My book of choice was Animation - Process cognition, and actuality by Dan Torre. In the first part of the book, Processing animation, the author highlights a few methods where the image itself is drawn in a way to make the motion seem smoother while being limited to a fewer number of frames.

One is the stretch, as in stretch and squash, like we previously discussed during the team meeting before. There are also the 'speed lines', which are just tiny lines linking the empty space between two images, and the 'smear', where the character or the object takes on a more liquid/gooey form that drags from them.

However, I have realized that these methods are meant to be a drawn representation of motion-blur. I can simulate a motion-blur using Adobe After Effects. I could try to make the image more blurry when the character is faster.

Also, to keep the speed without having to animate every frame on 1s, I simply drag the second frame a bit, so that I still get motion that is smooth without having to draw more frames.

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